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Master in Management
Concours BCE - Etudiants en classes préparatoires Vous êtes issus des classes préparatoires économiques et commerciales (option scientifique, économique, technologique) et classes préparatoires littéraires (A/L, B/L et LSH), vous présentez le concours Toulouse Business School - Etudiants en classes préparatoires (BCE).
Concours TBS L3

Merci de votre intérêt pour le Programme Grande Ecole de TBS !

Vous avez un Bac +2 (ou vous êtes en instance de l'obtenir), vous présentez le concours L3 de TBS pour entrer en Licence 3.


Concours TBS M1

Merci de votre intérêt pour le Programme Grande Ecole de TBS !

Vous avez un Bac +3/+4 (ou vous êtes en instance de l'obtenir), vous présentez le concours M1 de TBS pour entrer en Master 1.

International Applicants - MIM

Paris campus: apprenticeship only


You are about to start your application to study the Master in Management program (Programme Grande Ecole)
 in our Toulouse / Paris campus.


Must have a 3-year Bachelor degree (180 ECTS)
- Must be under 28 years old

Master in Management - Barcelona campus

You are about to start applying for the Master in Management (English Track) at TBS Education - Barcelona!

  • International applicants are invited to submit their applications via this session. 
  • French applicants, holders of a non-French bachelor's degree, are also invited to submit their applications via this session.
  • French applicants, holders of a French bachelor's degree, must apply via the Concours TBS M1

Please note that this application form is only for the Barcelona campus. Please apply through the corresponding session if you wish to start your Master in Management at the Toulouse or Paris campus.

Postgraduate Programs - Barcelona Campus

You are about to start your application for a Postgraduate Program at TBS Education - Barcelona!

The Postgraduate Programs available at the Barcelona Campus for you to apply to are:

Admission requirements

  • Be ≤ 32 years old on the Postgraduate Program start date.
  • Hold or be likely to hold a bachelor’s degree certificate (minimum 180 ECTS).*

*Candidates for the Postgraduate in Digital Transformation or the Postgraduate in Big Data must come from one of the following academic backgrounds: Business Management, Data, or IT Sciences.

Please note that this application form is only for the Barcelona Campus.

Bachelor - National Applicants - PARCOURSUP - 1st year - Toulouse Campus Reserved for students from Parcoursup
Access to your enrolment for the first year of the Bachelor in Management (TOULOUSE) following your confirmation on Parcoursup.
Bachelor in Management - Concours National - Admission 2ème année - Campus Toulouse - Paris - Barcelone

Le concours national en deuxième année
 est ouvert aux étudiants ayant validé 60 ECTS dans le domaine du management dans un établissement français, université ou école délivrant un diplôme visé.
Bachelor in Management - Concours National - 3rd year admission - Toulouse Campus FRENCH DIPLOMAS ONLY

This application is reserved for students who hold a diploma from a French institution.
You can apply here for the 3rd year of the Bachelor in Management if you are studying management in a French institution:
International applicants - Bachelor


Register here for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year

- Non-French high schools diplomas only -

1st year admission (open for Toulouse & Paris):
- You have or will obtain a non-French high school diploma

2nd year admission (open for Toulouse & Paris):
- You will validate or have validated a 1 year higher education degree (60 ECTS).

3rd year admission:
- You will validate or have validated a 2 year higher education degree (120 ECTS) in management

Students studying in a French high school abroad must apply through Parcoursup.

Bachelor in Management - 1st, 2nd, 3rd year - International Applicants - Barcelona Campus

Applications for the Bachelor in Management program's 2025 intake are now open! 

 Admission requirements

 1st-year Admission
If you are studying in a non-French institution and will obtain or hold a non-French High School Diploma (IB, Bachillerato, A-levels, national diploma...).
If you will obtain a French High School diploma (BAC) you must apply through Parcoursup.

2nd or 3rd-year Admission
You are studying outside France (in a non-French institution) and will obtain 60 ECTS for the 2nd year before the course starts or 120 ECTS for the 3rd year in the management field.

Please consider that this application is only for the Barcelona Campus. If you want to apply to Toulouse, Casablanca, or Paris, please do it through the corresponding session.

Bachelor - PARCOURSUP - 1st year admission - Barcelona Campus Reserved for students from Parcoursup

Access to your enrolment for the first year of the Bachelor in Management (BARCELONA) following your confirmation on Parcoursup.
Bachelor in Management - Concours International - 1ère - 2ème et 3ème année - Campus Casablanca

Apply if you are studying outside france.

For a 3rd year admission, students must have or acquired 120 ECTS in the current year in the field of Management.

Contact directly Mr Jaouhari :

Or apply to

Masters and MSc. Programs
Session TBS Masteres Specialisés (MS) - French Track

You are applying to a Mastère Spécialisé (MS) at Toulouse Business School. Verify that you are eligible by consulting in the informations pages, « Requirements ». In the case that you are not eligible, please note that the application fees will not be refunded.

All Applicants (Toulouse, Paris) - MSc


Apprenticeship is NOT available for MSc programs

You are about to start your application to study our Master of Science programs in our Toulouse / Paris campus.


- Must have a 4-year Bachelor degree (240 ECTS)
- English Test score of 6.5 IELTS or B2 equivalent
Must be 32 years old or under
- Students holding a 3-year Bachelor degree must apply to our Preparatory Program.

MSc programs - Barcelona Campus

You are about to start your application for an MSc program at TBS Education - Barcelona!

The MSc programs available at the Barcelona Campus for you to apply to are:

Admission requirements

  • Be ≤ 32 years old on the MSc program start date.
  • Hold or be likely to hold a 4-year bachelor’s degree (240 ECTS) from an accredited university.
    • If you hold or are likely to hold a 3-year bachelor's degree (180 ECTS), you are also available to apply, but you must register for the 2-year track (official double degree). Optionally, you can register for the 1-year track (private degree) with the online Preparatory Program.
  • Official proof of English: IELTS > 6.5 or equivalent*

*You do not have to prove your English level, if English is your mother tongue or if you study/studied your bachelor's degree fully in English, you should provide a letter from your university proving this.

Please note that this application form is only for the Barcelona Campus. Please apply through the corresponding session if you wish to apply for an MSc program at Toulouse or Paris Campus.

International Summer School Program

You are about to start your application for the TBS Education International Summer School Program

Language: English
Application deadline: 01st June 2025

To apply for the summer school, you will need to provide the following documents in English:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Curriculum Vitae or Resume
  3. English Language Proficiency 
  4. Grade Transcript
  5. Copy of passport / European ID card

During the application process, students will confirm the summer school duration and location:

  • 2-week program | Toulouse (June Option)
  • 2-week program | Toulouse (July Option)
  • 3-week program | Barcelona
  • 4-week program | Toulouse
  • 5-week program | Toulouse-Barcelona
Executive Education
Executive Education

You are currently applying for a TBS Executive Education Diploma and we thank you for your trust.

Our training advisors remain at your disposal if you need any information prior to the registration of your application.

We also invite you to check that you meet the prerequisites for the chosen program.

The application fees are non-refundable.

You can proceed with this registration directly from the 'REGISTER' button below.

Phone: +33 (0)

NB : 
Do you have a disability? Do you need specific arrangements to follow your training in the best conditions?TBS welcomes you and offers you personalized support which can be declined in several ways depending on your situation and your needs: human and technical assistance, adaptation of courses and exam materials, prior distribution of materials, increased time, isolated room and breaks during ongoing evaluations etc.
Handicap referent: Florence LACOSTE
Phone: - 

Parcours Certifiants et Modules Courts Vous souhaitez vous inscrire à un parcours certifiant ou un module court proposé par TBS Education et nous vous remercions de votre confiance.

Nous vous invitons à vous rapprocher, si vous le souhaitez, de nos conseillers au pour toute information préalable à l'enregistrement de votre candidature.

Vous pouvez procéder à cet enregistrement directement à partir du bouton 'S'INSCRIRE' ci-dessous.



Vous allez candidater sur nos programmes DCG ou DSCG de TBS EDUCATION pour la rentrée 2024 et nous vous remercions de votre confiance.

Les Diplôme de Comptabilité et Gestion (DCG – Grade Licence, Bac+3) et Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et Gestion (DSCG – Grade Master, Bac+5) sont accessibles en alternance ou sous statut étudiant.

L’admissibilité de votre dossier de candidature sera étudiée avec attention et si besoin, nous prendrons contact avec vous dans les prochaines semaines. Veillez à bien le compléter intégralement et à joindre toutes les pièces administratives requises sinon il ne sera pas pris en compte.

Cliquez sur 'Informations' pour accéder aux pages de présentation des 2 programmes. 

NB : Nous préparons aux deux dernières années du DCG : il est accessible pour les titulaires du BTS CG, BUT GEA ou pour les étudiants ayant validés au minimum 1 an de DCG.

DCG 2ème année à TBS : UE 2, 6, 4 et 10
DCG 3ème année à TBS : UE 3, 7, 11

Les frais de dossier de candidature pour le statut étudiant est de 75 € (ne sont pas remboursables). Les candidats en alternance sont exonérés des frais de dossier, vous n'aurez pas à payer ces frais (75€).